Translation Management System —Take your software global

Specifically designed with developers in mind, our TMS ensures an effortless transition of your code to global heights

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Trusted by businesses of all sizes

Enhance the efficiency and consistency of translation processes

TMS can automate various parts of the translation process, reducing manual work and accelerating time-to-market for your products or services.


Enable translations to start as soon as design is ready

The strong collaboration capabilities on Translized pave the way for enhanced efficiency. By assigning tasks, tracking progress, and maintaining a streamlined localization workflow, you gain a transparent view of team activities - knowing precisely who is doing what, and when.

Figma integration

Review your translations directly from Figma to avoid UI issues when releasing.


Get more done using our different AI translation integrations: from regular ML models, to LLMs.


Effortless mobile rollouts

With Translized TMS, localizing an extensive array of websites, apps, and games is a breeze. Our mobile SDKs simplify and expedite the publication of your translations. Simply initiate a release via the Translized dashboard and observe as new translations seamlessly populate your mobile application.


Publish your translations faster and simpler than ever before.

Native SDKs

Use our mobile SDKs to integrate your localization workflows directly into your mobile app.


Great value without breaking the bank

Our Starter Plan comes packed with features such as Automations, Machine Translation, Translation Memory, and beyond. By choosing Translized, you're not merely opting for an affordable solution - you're making a strategic investment in a tool that consistently surpasses comparably higher-priced alternatives in the market.

Budget predictability

No hidden costs, no small print. What you see is what you get.

Value for money

The most robust Starter plan in the market.

What others say

Teams Love Translized

Our customers love our seamless integrations, transparent pricing and unmatched value

Pleasantly surprised

“I love this piece of software. It is great to use, easy to integrate with any app and UI makes sense. Compared to other products it offers you better packages for less money and with features it is fairly the same or better then some other products. Offers a lot of translation file formats.”

Aleksandar Z.

Senior Front-end Developer

Seamless integration

“Integrated Translized for a project on a tight schedule, so ease of integration and out-of -the-box features were very important. I was very pleasantly surprised with the product, and their support. I will definitely be using Translized on future projects again.”

Miljan S.

Lead Software Developer

Great Software Solution

“I really like Translized. Itis very easy to use and integrates easily into any software solution that requires multi-language support. CLI is super helpful and allows us to automate the uploading and downloading of localization files.”

Ivan I.

Lead Engineer

Integrate Translized with ease

Translized provides you simple but yet powerful API and CLI.
Automate your localization process and get the latest translations from your terminal or integrate our API for more advanced use cases.

View Docs
1const termRes = await fetch('', {
2  method: 'POST',
3  headers: {
4    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
5    'api-token': '42cf5fec-a74c-4a53-8ebc-86a4e52b7ce6',
6  },
7  body: JSON.stringify({
8    projectId: 'A3KJtLw4mt',
9    termKey: 'Api.test',
10  }),
12const termData = await termRes.json();
1import Foundation
3let url = URL(string: "")!
4var request = URLRequest(url: url)
5request.httpMethod = "POST"
6request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
7request.setValue("42cf5fec-a74c-4a53-8ebc-86a4e52b7ce6", forHTTPHeaderField: "api-token")
9let parameters: [String: Any] = [
10    "projectId": "A3KJtLw4mt",
11    "termKey": "Api.test"
14do {
15    request.httpBody = try parameters)
16} catch {
17    print("Error creating HTTP body: \(error)")
20let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
21    if let error = error {
22        print("Error: \(error)")
23        return
24    }
26    if let data = data {
27        do {
28            if let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any] {
29                // Handle json data here
30                print(json)
31            }
32        } catch {
33            print("Error parsing JSON: \(error)")
34        }
35    }
1val url = URL("")
2    val connection = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
3    connection.requestMethod = "POST"
4    connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
5    connection.setRequestProperty("api-token", "42cf5fec-a74c-4a53-8ebc-86a4e52b7ce6")
6    connection.doOutput = true
8    val parameters = mapOf(
9        "projectId" to "A3KJtLw4mt",
10        "termKey" to "Api.test"
11    )
13    val outputStream: OutputStream = connection.outputStream
14    outputStream.write(parameters.toString().toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8))
16    val responseCode = connection.responseCode
17    if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
18        val inputStream = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(connection.inputStream))
19        val response = StringBuilder()
20        var inputLine: String?
21        while (inputStream.readLine().also { inputLine = it } != null) {
22            response.append(inputLine)
23        }
24        inputStream.close()
25        println("Response: ${response.toString()}")
26    } else {
27        println("Request failed with response code $responseCode")
28    }
30    connection.disconnect()
1import Foundation
3let url = URL(string: "")!
4var request = URLRequest(url: url)
5request.httpMethod = "POST"
6request.setValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
7request.setValue("42cf5fec-a74c-4a53-8ebc-86a4e52b7ce6", forHTTPHeaderField: "api-token")
9let parameters: [String: Any] = [
10    "projectId": "A3KJtLw4mt",
11    "termKey": "Api.test"
14do {
15    request.httpBody = try parameters)
16} catch {
17    print("Error creating HTTP body: \(error)")
20let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
21    if let error = error {
22        print("Error: \(error)")
23        return
24    }
26    if let data = data {
27        do {
28            if let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Any] {
29                // Handle json data here
30                print(json)
31            }
32        } catch {
33            print("Error parsing JSON: \(error)")
34        }
35    }
1HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder().build();
3JSONObject jsonBody = new JSONObject();
4jsonBody.put("projectId", "A3KJtLw4mt");
5jsonBody.put("termKey", "Api.test");
7HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
8    .uri(URI.create(""))
9    .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
10    .header("api-token", "42cf5fec-a74c-4a53-8ebc-86a4e52b7ce6")
11    .POST(HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(jsonBody.toString()))
12    .build();
14HttpResponse<String> response = httpClient.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
15JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(response.body());
3$url = '';
4$headers = [
5    'Content-Type: application/json',
6    'api-token: 42cf5fec-a74c-4a53-8ebc-86a4e52b7ce6'
9$data = [
10    'projectId' => 'A3KJtLw4mt',
11    'termKey' => 'Api.test'
14$ch = curl_init();
15curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
16curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
17curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
18curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data));
19curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
21$response = curl_exec($ch);

Translized consistently surpasses higher-priced alternatives in the market

Go global with Translized

Unlock the world of opportunities with our cost-effective, high-quality localization tool —your software deserves the best. Try our Translation Management System today!

Frequently Asked Questions

In a world driven by technology and innovation, the right software can be acatalyst for transformation, efficiency, and growth.

What is a Translation Management System (TMS)?

A Translation Management System, or TMS,is software that automates and streamlines the translation process. Key capabilities include enhancing workflows, enabling collaboration between internal and external stakeholders, and improving overall translation quality. A TMS is an essential next step for companies looking to expand globally and support multiple languages as part of their customer strategy. It streamlines translation when going beyond a single language.

What is a TMS used for?

A TMS automates localization and translation workflows, including features to simplify collaboration and manage software updates with ease. It helps manage the translation of websites, apps, and games into different languages, making the process more efficient and less manual. Key purposes include centralizing assets, standardizing processes, optimizing productivity, enabling seamless collaboration, and providing analytics for improvement. A TMS eliminates repetitive tasks, increases control, and enables companies to scale translation in a streamlined way.

What are the main features of a TMS?

Key TMS features include project management, workflow automation, machine translation integrations, quality assurance features, collaboration tools, asset storage, and analytics. Translized provides a robust set of TMS features at a fraction of the cost of other solutions, providing an affordable yet powerful TMS to optimize and scale translation.

How much does a TMS cost?

TMS pricing varies widely based on features and translation volume needed. Many TMS tools charge per word, string, or term translated. Translized offers a freemium model with up to 200 keys. Paid plans start at €29 per month. Translized pricing is transparent with no hidden fees. Plans scale as your translation needs grow.

What is the best translation management system?

Top-rated TMS options include Phrase, Lokalise, Transifex, and Localazy. Translized provides a robust yet affordable starter plan with strong value, competing well in the TMS market. It offers a developer-friendly solution tailored for software teams. The ideal TMS depends on specific translation needs and budget. When comparing top tools, look for capabilities, ease of use, scalability, pricing, and reviews. Evaluate TMS platforms to find the best fit for streamlining your translation workflow at the right price point.

What is the translation management process?

A TMS automates translation by eliminating repetitive manual tasks, enabling control, collaboration, and efficiency. With Translized, the process is straightforward: 1. Create an account 2. Add a new project 3. Import terms or add them manually 4. Choose your preferred translation method (manual, Machine-based, or professional) 5. Set automation rules 6. Release the localized project

What is the difference between TMS and CAT tools?

A TMS manages translation workflows while CAT tools assist human translators. CAT tools integrate with a TMS but don't manage workflows on their own. A key difference is that TMS platforms like Translized enable seamless collaboration between developers, product managers, and translators. CAT tools have more limited collaboration capabilities. While CAT focuses solely on assisting translators, a TMS oversees the entire translation process, enabling teams to scale translation more efficiently.

Empower your product with Seamless, Cost-Effective Solutions for Developers and Product Managers.

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