
Onboarding Guide for Managers

As a product, project or localization manager, you are most likely the person in charge of the localization process. Consulting this guide will help you get started with Translized with ease.


min read

June 29, 2022
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Getting Started

If you don’t have a Translized account, follow this link to create one: https://app.translized.com/signup

Once you’ve created an account, we’ll send you a verification email to the email address you provided during signup. Once verified, you’ll begin your 7-day free trial which includes 50 000 strings and unlimited projects.

Create a Project

After verifying your account, visit this link to log in to Translized: https://app.translized.com/login

When you successfully log in, you can create your first project. The whole process is straightforward and shouldn’t cause you any issues, however, if you need any assistance, you can reach us at info@translized.com

Under ‘Your Projects’ click on ‘Add new project’ and customize it per your needs.

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*Please note that the primary language you assign to this project can be changed later on in Project Settings.

💡 You have no limitation as to how many projects you can create, and you can organize them as you wish.

Whether that be by platform, product or feature. It’s up to you, and Translized gives you all the flexibility you need.

This is what the project dashboard will look like once created.

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Import Terms

Once you’ve created your project, it’s time to add terms that need to be translated.

There are 2 ways to do that within Translized:

  • Import a file
  • Add terms manually

To import a file, visit the Import tab, placed under the Terms tab.

Translized accepts a huge variety of file formats you can import: Microsof Excel (.xlsx), CSV (.csv), Android (.xml), iOS (.strings), Java (.properties), JSON (.json), Angular (.xlf), YAML (.yml) .NET (.resx), ARB (.arb), PHP (.php), PO (.po).

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To import a file, drag it into the import box or click on the ‘+’ sign to upload it. You have the option to override existing translations, but since you’re just starting out, you can leave this option blank.

Term tags can also be added on this step, but you’ll first have to add them in Project Settings.

Once you’re done and everything looks good, click on ‘Import File’ and you’re done. You can now go to the Terms tab and you’ll see that the terms have been added.

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There’s also a possibility of manual term upload. On the Terms tab, in the right hand corner, there’s the option to add a term by clicking on ‘Add term’.

Fill in the information and when you’re ready, add the term. It will be added to the previously populated list of terms.

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Invite Team Members

Once you’ve successfully created your project and added the terms, you can now invite your team members to collaborate with you.

To do so, go back to Projects, and you’ll notice the ‘Contributors’ page, where you can add new Admins and Contributors.

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Because you are the one who created the project, you will remain the Owner of the project. Other team members won’t have the same permission level as you do, and you will remain the only person who can delete the project.

The Admin role will, beside the fact that they cannot delete the project, have all the permissions as you do.

The Contributor role will not be able to import or edit terms nor add new languages, order human translation and utilize the Over the Air feature.

When inviting an Admin, you’ll need to choose the Role and Project. When inviting a Contributor, you’ll have the added step of choosing the language(s) you want to add them to.

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Once the Admin and/or Contributor accept your invitation, they’ll be able to access your Project.

Translate Terms

To start translating your terms, add an additional language, next to the primary language. You can add as many languages as you need.

By clicking on the ‘Add language’ option on the right hand side, you’ll be able to do so.

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Once you add your new language, the progress bar will be at 0% until you start adding your translations.

There are a few different ways you can translate your terms in Translized.

You can do it manually, by clicking on the language and adding translations for each term. This is most commonly used when working with a translator.

Translators have multiple options that can help them along the way, such as Translation History, Translation Memory and Machine Translation.

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As an Admin, you can also view previous changes made to the Term by utilizing Translation History.

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For more information about manual translation, visit Translized’s Guide for Translators.

Another option you have with Translized, is to translate the terms with the help of Machine Translation.

The Machine Translation tab is placed below the Export option in the left hand side menu. By default, you’ll have 1000 characters at your disposal, but you can always purchase more through the app.

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Once you select the languages, click Translate, and your terms will automatically be translated.


Another way to translate terms in Translized is to order Human Translation. This is an option Contributors cannot access.

To order translation from a professional translator, visit the Human Translation tab, and enter the necessary information about the translation.

You’ll get an estimate on what the price of the translation will be. And you can always review your orders by visiting the tab ‘Order List’ on top.

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Manage Terms

When on the Terms tab, you can easily edit each one by clicking on the three dots next to the term. On here, you can comment, edit the term or delete it.

If you want to edit the term, add context or term tags, you can do it from here. Please note that if you want to add a Term Tag, you must first create it in Project Settings.

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Additional option you have on this view is ‘Quick translate’ allowing you to translate the terms without going into individual languages.

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For full customization of the Term, you can click on the Term name, and a new page will open, giving you complete flexibility over the term.

On here, you have the added functionality of adding context screenshots that can help your translators translate the term in a more precise way.

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We know how important communication is, that’s why we’ve added additional benefits within Translized that can help you communicate with your team members with ease.

Each term has the option to leave comments with the additional functionality to mention team members. We’ll notify the user mentioned via email, so they can view your comment as soon as possible.

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Another way to communicate is through term tags which can be created in Project Settings.

To create a new Term Tag, click on ‘Add’ under Term Tags and add the color and the name.

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Once created, you can easily add them to certain terms, which can help your team members know what the status of each term is.

Export Translation

Once your translation is ready, you can easily export it in the 12 file formats supported by Translized.

Visit the Export tab on the left hand side, select the file format and language you want, and you’re good to go.

You have the additional option of adding a custom file name and replacing empty translations with primary language translation.

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And lastly, if you ever want to change your subscription plan or purchase more machine translation characters, you can do so on the Billing page, which is accessed by going to: https://app.translized.com/account/billing

If you want to learn more about Translized, visit our blog which is packed with helpful tips on how to run smooth localization processes: https://www.translized.com/blog or visit our website at: https://www.translized.com/

Want to learn more? 💡

Learn more about Translized, and how you can utilize features such as REST API, Developer CLI, Over the Air (OTA) Mobile SDK here: https://docs.translized.com

Read our Guide for Translators for an in depth overview of Translized’s features such as Translation Memory, Translation History and Machine Translation.

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